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We have Monarch butterfly caterpillars in our pollinator garden!  Thank you for supporting our garden and letting the milkweed thrive. The flowers smell lovely and provide so much life to our bumble bee, butterfly, and insect friends. Stay tuned for butterfly updates from Hilary!

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PoP Youth

Prince of Peace Youth Group welcomes all youth grades 7 - 12th to join us for acts of service, community outreach, trips to local and national youth gatherings, and so much more!  All are welcome and we hope to see you soon! 
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High School Events!

Join us for worship every Sunday!

Red Cross Blood Drive at Prince of Peace

Thank you to everyone that donated blood with the Red Cross in March! Our drive registered 35 total donors, collected 28 pints of blood and recruited 4 first-time donors! Our next drive will be Sunday, May 23rd. Register Now

The Prince of Peace Youth Group encourages youth to stay up to date on current policies and topics that impact our daily lives. Please visit the ELCA "Faith and Society" page to see where we believe our faith aligns with pressing issues that are important to you. 

Upcoming Youth and Christian Education Events

Hilary Lucas

Youth Director 

Prince of Peace Lutheran

Hilary Lucas, Prince of Peace Youth Director at

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High schoolers grades 9-12 will meet every Sunday to discuss current events, our faith journey, and modern explanations of the books of the Bible.  See you in the senior high room from 10:10-10:50 am!  


For more information, email Hilary Lucas, Youth Director

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